Pack Processing Heat Treatment Medium


Pack Processing Heat Treatment Medium

こPack processing modifies workpiece surfaces by packing workpieces together in a case with a medium, and heating it from outside.

Product Lineup

Pack Carburizing Compounds

These are produced by mixing charcoal and activator, compacting them into a certain shape, and sintering them at a high temperature. They are easy to handle because they are sintered materials, and produce a high quality treated workpiece finish, with no impurities such as vaporizing tar.

KG6.2 For mild carburizing: Carburized depth of 0.6mm or more for alloy steel. In the case of non-alloy steel, a carburized depth of 2mm or more can be used without over-carburizing.
KG30.2 For activated carburizing: Carburized depth up to 0.6mm for alloy steel. When deeper depths are required, KG6 can be used without over-carburizing. In case of non-alloy steel, up to 2mm. A treatment temperature of 900°C is generally appropriate.